an image of the inside of a creme egg
Posted on 05 March 2020 In Human Resources

It will come as no surprise to most HR departments worth their salt that data and analytics are critical to an evidence based approach to solving HR challenges and informing future strategy.  However, there are concerns in some arenas that although HR professionals strongly believe in the need for data, they struggle to gain strategic insight from it.

“Only 37% of respondents polled in ‘The use of people science in fast growth companies’ said they use data to make decisions despite 79% believing that they should” (Sage People, 2017).

Another 92% of respondents said they struggle to gain strategic insight from HR data and a further 40% said they struggle because the data is stored in too many different systems.  The power of data and insight has significant impact on all aspects of HR, from recruitment to employee engagement, right up to influencing overarching business strategy, so it’s essential we start to get this right.

There are a number of issues faced when using data.  Two of the big ones we see regularly are a lack of clear objectives by which to measure the data against.  With such a multitude of data to hand, it’s very easy to be overwhelmed and spend time reporting on a plethora of metrics unrelated to your overarching objectives.  Secondly, we hear a lot of complaints about how difficult it is to access and analyse data through multiple systems. In response to this Broadbean has focused a huge amount of our technology investment in the development of simple and easy to use data tracking and analysis.  We’ve aligned these developments to the objectives our clients are working towards, allowing them to keep their reporting simple but at the same time providing deep levels of insight, enabling HR teams to make sensible decisions based on data they can trust.

To find out more about how we can help you simplify your data analysis and make better informed decisions around your recruitment and advertising strategies click the link below to book a short, no obligation demo.


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